John McEnroe treads carefully as gender pay row returns at Wimbledon | Kevin Mitchell

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After it was revealed he earned 10 times more than Martina Navratilova for their BBC work last year, McEnroe insisted it was not a comparable situation to player prize money

Not a lot fazes John McEnroe but, when asked if he felt, “uncomfortable” about being paid “10 times more” than Martina Navratilova to lend his magic to the BBC commentary box at Wimbledon he delivers the sort of cheeky look he once reserved for chair umpires.

“The way you presented that, it seemed like a trick question,” he says, smiling weakly. “The mature man that I am at this stage, the knowledgeable man I am about the way things can be presented, leads me to believe that it’s best if I stay out of this particular issue and let the BBC handle it right now.”

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Written by Kevin Mitchell
This news first appeared on under the title “John McEnroe treads carefully as gender pay row returns at Wimbledon | Kevin Mitchell”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.