Kelly Cates: ‘When the players took a knee it was breathtaking’

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The Sky Sports presenter on the Premier League’s return, her anger at the government’s attitude towards football and teachers, and the trauma of Hillsborough

“It’s incredible,” Kelly Cates says at the end of a tumultuous week when football and politics have brushed up against each other and there has been a clear winner. Rather than Boris Johnson and his ministers, who have been backtracking and U-turning when not talking about Harry Potter or Game of Thrones, Marcus Rashford lit up a desperate situation with clarity and compassion.

Football returned on Wednesday, in an eerie Premier League restart behind closed doors, and on Sunday evening Cates leads Sky Sports’ coverage of Everton and Liverpool on a free-to-air basis. As Kenny Dalglish’s daughter, Cates is candid enough to admit Liverpool will always be her club. But, even with Liverpool two victories away from winning their first league title in 30 years, when Dalglish was their manager, Cates has been immersed in real life.

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Written by Donald McRae
This news first appeared on under the title “

Kelly Cates: ‘When the players took a knee it was breathtaking’

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