Leon Mann: ‘We need people in power to show they care about diversity’

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The former BBC and ITV presenter has become a campaigner for greater BAME representation in British sports media and is determined to see radical change to a stark issue

Leon Mann tells a story which, by his own admission, is as depressing as it is amusing. It goes back to his early days at the BBC and when he first found himself in the company of the presenter Damian Johnson.

“I remember asking him which football team he used to play for,” says Mann. “Growing up, all the black people I saw on TV talking about sport were former athletes, so I presumed Damian was the same. But of course he wasn’t. He was – is – a fully-trained, highly-experienced journalist. Damian being Damian, he took it well.”

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Written by Sachin Nakrani
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/20/leon-mann-we-need-people-in-power-to-show-they-care-about-diversity under the title “Leon Mann: ‘We need people in power to show they care about diversity’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.