Lomax leads way as St Helens make light work of Salford in season opener

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  • St Helens 29-6 Salford
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New season, same old St Helens. In the end, the opening gambit of the reigning champions’ quest for a third successive Super League title passed without a hitch. Dominant in defence and clinical in attack, this was everything we have come to expect from Kristian Woolf’s side in recent seasons.

Salford will certainly cause the competition’s best sides problems in 2021, but given a large turnover in players and the appointment of a new coach in the off-season, Richard Marshall’s first game in charge of the Red Devils was always likely to be tough.

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Written by Aaron Bower at Emerald Headingley
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/mar/26/st-helens-salford-super-league-match-report-rugby-league under the title “Lomax leads way as St Helens make light work of Salford in season opener”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.