Luton threaten to ban fans involved in tragedy chanting against Liverpool

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  • Songs heard on Sunday referenced the Hillsborough disaster
  • FA ‘strongly condemns’ chants and awaits further police details

Luton have threatened to ban supporters who are found to have taken part in tragedy chanting during Sunday’s match with Liverpool at Kenilworth Road after the Football Association requested more information from police over the taunts indirectly referencing the Hillsborough disaster.

Luton issued a statement saying they were “saddened” and “extremely disappointed that a small number of supporters soured the occasion with chants that may be interpreted as being in relation to tragedies that have affected Liverpool FC in the past”.

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Written by Ed Aarons and PA Media
This news first appeared on under the title “Luton threaten to ban fans involved in tragedy chanting against Liverpool”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.