Manchester City’s Keira Walsh: ‘The first few days were a bit surreal’

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The Manchester City midfielder on winning Euro 2022, watching her pass in the Wembley final and Champions League ambitions

Less than three weeks since England’s euphoric triumph against Germany at Euro 2022, Keira Walsh returns to her day job on Thursday when Manchester City meet the Kazakh club Tomiris-Turan in the first qualifying round of the Women’s Champions League.

The central midfielder was pivotal to England’s tournament success – her perceptive through‑pass that released Ella Toone to score at Wembley is the most memorable example – and Walsh has had time recently to reflect on the scale of the Lionesses’ accomplishment.

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Written by Luke McLaughlin
This news first appeared on under the title “Manchester City’s Keira Walsh: ‘The first few days were a bit surreal’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.