Manchester United’s meat-grinding of talent continues to show | John Brewin

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Player frustrations echoed the club’s failure to make the most of their recruitment which they will need to return to greatness

So low is faith in Manchester United, it came as little surprise to see them teeter. Two goals up and cruising, then two Newport goals and lurching, this is Manchester United 2024, much like the Manchester United of the past 10 years.

Even if they did escape back across the Welsh border in relief, there are still many more miles to travel, the gains required infinitely larger than marginal if greatness is to return. Even when visiting Newport, 16th in League Two, swapping cava glasses and prawn sandwiches for styrofoam cups and sizzling onions, United cannot be relied upon for serenity.

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Written by John Brewin at Rodney Parade
This news first appeared on under the title “Manchester United’s meat-grinding of talent continues to show | John Brewin”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.