Manchester Utd in trouble after arriving late for Champions League match

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ZURICH – Manchester United have been charged by UEFA after arriving late for their goalless draw at home to Valencia in the Champions League on Tuesday, the European soccer body said on Wednesday.

British media reports said the United team bus had been held up in traffic on the way to Old Trafford and arrived only 45 minutes before kickoff of the Group H match, which was put back by five minutes.

UEFA said that disciplinary proceedings had been opened against the English Premier League side for “late team arrival” and “late kick-off”.

Valencia were also charged over the late kickoff, along with “kit infringement” and the setting-off of fireworks by their supporters, UEFA said.

A fourth successive winless game increased the pressure on United manager Jose Mourinho who cut a deflated figure afterwards.

The post Manchester Utd in trouble after arriving late for Champions League match appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

Written by Prahlad Rijal
This news first appeared on under the title “Manchester Utd in trouble after arriving late for Champions League match”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.