Maro Itoje: England beating Ireland won’t be easy – but we will be ready

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Lock is chilled and into politics but able to switch into a fierce competitor, focused on the Six Nations and World Cup

With the majority of sports people what you see is essentially what you get. With Maro Itoje it is more complicated. “Are you asking about Maro the person or Maro the rugby player?” he says, more than once. Not everyone would draw a major distinction but, in Itoje’s mind, there is clearly a sizeable gap. That familiar terrace refrain – “There’s only one Maro Itoje!” – is not really applicable in his case.

This is no identikit jock, thinking only of his next training session. He may be a multitalented athlete, potentially the standout player of his generation, but talk too much about rugby and his eyes glaze over. He is far more animated when discussing his favourite political podcasts – “My political persuasion is centre-left so I have a natural leaning towards that side of things” – the writing of Afua Hirsch and Simon Sinek or the West End shows – “I love Les Misérables!” – he has enjoyed most.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on under the title “Maro Itoje: England beating Ireland won’t be easy – but we will be ready”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.