Mohamed Salah strikes again as Liverpool edge past Brighton

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Liverpool have made the start to the season they wanted even if they have yet to hit the giddy heights of the latter part of the last campaign.

Jürgen Klopp named an unchanged side for the third time in three matches and watched his players collect a third win, moving to the top of the Premier League in the process. Klopp has been there before, though it was almost two years ago and only a brief visit. In each of his three previous seasons in England the German has had to witness teams either running away with the league (Manchester City and Chelsea) or proving uncatchable (Leicester City). This time Liverpool are understandably keen to be the ones staying a step ahead, and though there is a long way to go they are setting the pace, with some room left for improvement.

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Written by Paul Wilson at Anfield
This news first appeared on under the title “Mohamed Salah strikes again as Liverpool edge past Brighton”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.