New England Patriots outlast LA Rams to win record-tying sixth Super Bowl

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And so the Patriotsarchy continues. New England, seemingly impervious to age, controversy and the best efforts of their opponents have won their sixth title in 18 years, an extraordinary achievement in a league built for parity. That their 13-3 victory over the Los Angeles Rams was the lowest-scoring Super Bowl in history will matter little to their fans, or the fiercely competitive Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Indeed, the fact that many watching at home did not appreciate the Patriots’ defensive masterclass will probably make victory sweeter for a team that thrives on the antipathy of others.

Related: Super Bowl 2019: New England Patriots beat Los Angeles Rams 13-3 – as it happened

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Written by Tom Lutz at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
This news first appeared on under the title “New England Patriots outlast LA Rams to win record-tying sixth Super Bowl”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.