New Zealand v England: first Test, day four – as it happened

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  • New Zealand power towards victory on the back of BJ Watling’s 205
  • England 55-3 needing to bat through day five to avoid defeat

So England will not sleep easy tonight. A couple of pretty ropey shots by the openers – and two magnificent performances by New Zealand, in BJ Watling and Michell Santner. Santner went on to add 3-6 to his treasure chest, in his quietly underrated way, varying pace and zone.

Sky remind us of Auckland 2013, one of the best backs-to-the-wall rearguards, when England- particular Matt Prior and Monty Panesar – held on to the end of the day. Hmm, let’s see

27.4 overs: England 55-3 ( Denly 7) Gulls circle the ground and in the crowd, a few people start gathering their affairs. Denly scampers a single off the first ball of the over, then Santner sends one in which fires off the pitch and hits Leach square in the helmet. Two balls later, Leach prods forward and, edge or no edge, seals his fate. England start tomorrow 207 behind, seven wickets left, and on the ropes.

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Written by Tanya Aldred & Daniel Harris
This news first appeared on under the title “New Zealand v England: first Test, day four – as it happened”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.