Orioles executive Dan Duquette on rebuilding: ‘I hear it’s easier to demolish the entire house’

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Baltimore, which entered play Monday with an MLB-worst 32-74 record, made multiple trades this month.

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This news first appeared on http://www.sportingnews.com/us/mlb/news/mlb-baltimore-orioles-executive-dan-duquette-on-rebuild-i-hear-its-easier-to-demolish-the-entire-house-buck-showalter-manny-machado-zach-britton/b5l9ojtipjhm1nj240b75668c under the title “Orioles executive Dan Duquette on rebuilding: ‘I hear it’s easier to demolish the entire house’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.