Peter Beardsley charged by FA with using racist language towards youth players

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  • Beardsley left role as Newcastle Under-23 coach earlier in March
  • 58-year-old has denied the allegations: ‘I’m not a racist,’ he said

Peter Beardsley has been charged by the Football Association with three counts of using racist language to players in his former job as Newcastle United’s Under-23 coach.

The former England international, who left Newcastle this month following a 14-month period of gardening leave, vehemently denies the claims and is expected to contest the charges. If so, his case will be heard by a three-person independent commission.

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Written by Louise Taylor
This news first appeared on under the title “Peter Beardsley charged by FA with using racist language towards youth players”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.