PGA Tour’s golden goose continues to cluck like crazy in Covid era | Ewan Murray

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Millions of dollars are on offer each week but how sustainable are current funds with the pandemic affecting finances?

The PGA Tour can claim to have enjoyed the last laugh. Cynicism about the viability of a new normal in golf’s big time was plentiful even after the Charles Schwab Challenge got under way in mid-June. A plan to welcome spectators back within a month swiftly fell by the wayside and there were some coronavirus-related player decisions to raise eyebrows but, generally, the PGA Tour’s travelling circus has reached this weekend’s season-ending juncture unscathed. There is, in fact, cause to praise golf’s professional return on both sides of the Atlantic as a sporting success story.

Related: Sophia Popov snub is as extraordinary as it is shameful for women’s golf | Ewan Murray

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Written by Ewan Murray
This news first appeared on under the title “

PGA Tour’s golden goose continues to cluck like crazy in Covid era | Ewan Murray

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