‘Players wonder whether it’s all worth it’: life in rugby union’s Championship

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The cautionary tale of the former Bedford Blues and Canada back-row Justin Blanchet reveals the reality of players’ lives in the second tier even before the RFU cuts funding next season

As Saracens will discover when they drop into the Championship next season, there are two types of professional rugby player: the haves and the have-nots. The gap between the Premiership and Championship was wide enough already before the Rugby Football Union turned it into a chasm with Wednesday’s announcement that funding to the second tier would be slashed from next season. Life was already hard for players and clubs; now many fear it will be nigh on impossible to continue in their current form.

Related: Championship clubs in shock over RFU’s decision to slash funding by 50%

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Written by Will Hooley
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/feb/12/rugby-union-championship-justin-blanchet-canada-bedford-blues under the title “‘Players wonder whether it’s all worth it’: life in rugby union’s Championship”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.