Racing industry fails to prevent more track boycotts over prize money

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• Lingfield meeting in danger of poorest turnout for years
• Trainers boycott course despite BHA attempt to avert strikes

Attempts to avert a potential boycott of tracks owned by the Arena Racing Company (ARC) next week appear to have failed with Lingfield’s Wednesday meeting in danger of featuring the poorest turnout of runners at the course for many years.

Four races at the fixture have been re-opened to allow more entries before 10am on Friday morning after failing to attract sufficient runners. It follows leading handler Ralph Beckett’s decision to email 500 fellow trainers proposing the boycott of ARC racecourses from Wednesday to Friday in an argument over prize money.

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Written by Greg Wood
This news first appeared on under the title “Racing industry fails to prevent more track boycotts over prize money”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.