Raheem Sterling emerges as a leader in football’s fight against racism

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Manchester City forward has become an eloquent spokesman for those looking to clean up the game – on and off the pitch

In Montenegro on Monday, shortly after confronting the latest episode of racism on the European stage with a goal, a cutting celebration and another commanding performance, Raheem Sterling claimed to be no leader in the fight Uefa has persistently dodged. Reluctantly and sadly necessarily, that is precisely what he has become. Sterling, perhaps to his own surprise, is emerging as a unifying figure in an England shirt.

Related: Gareth Southgate shows Montenegro how to react but what will Uefa do? | Daniel Taylor

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Written by Andy Hunter
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/mar/26/raheem-sterling-accidental-leader-football-fight-racism-england-montenegro under the title “Raheem Sterling emerges as a leader in football’s fight against racism”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.