Red Bull tries to project harmony but Horner F1 saga will not go away | Giles Richards

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Still dominant on the track, still in disarray off it, Red Bull are likely to find their travails in the spotlight again in Australia

After weeks of turmoil at Red Bull Racing, the team’s beleaguered principal, Christian Horner, had issued a plea at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, more in hope than realism, that it was time to draw a line under the controversy that had surrounded him and his team.

However, what followed in Formula One’s first week off since the new season began dashed whatever faint hopes he must have nurtured and the scrutiny is set to be renewed this weekend at Australian Grand Prix, where the temporary moratorium on the infighting at Red Bull will once more come under intense pressure.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Red Bull tries to project harmony but Horner F1 saga will not go away | Giles Richards”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.