Rob Key’s remarkable rise is not just a case of a job for the boys | Ali Martin

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Former Kent captain turned broadcaster, who has laid down his microphone and put his head on the block as director of men’s cricket, is not to be underestimated

In between England’s ruinous Ashes campaign and the largely dismal epilogue in the Caribbean last month, a panel of Rob Key, Mike Atherton and Nasser Hussain recorded a podcast for Sky in which they analysed the Test team’s myriad problems and discussed how they would change things.

Key, though supposedly steering the debate as host, was pressed for his views. After detailed responses that have been widely reported over the past few days and which included his belief that player power needs addressing, Atherton joked that the only solution was to take charge of the England set-up himself. “The answer to that is no,” Key replied, amid chuckles from all three.

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Written by Ali Martin
This news first appeared on under the title “Rob Key’s remarkable rise is not just a case of a job for the boys | Ali Martin”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.