Ronaldo, Modric, Salah on UEFA player of the year shortlist

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Liverpool striker Mohamed Salah (left), Real Madrid midfielder Luka Modric (centre) and Real Madrid’s prolific goal scrorer Cristiano Ronaldo. Photos: Reuters

LONDON: Cristiano Ronaldo, Luka Modric and Mohamed Salah have been short-listed for the UEFA Player of the Year award, the sport’s European governing body said on Monday.

Ronaldo, who won the award last season, helped Real Madrid to a third consecutive Champions League title and finished as the competition’s top scorer with 15 goals.

The Portuguese, who has three wins in total, is the only player to have made the shortlist every year since UEFA created the award in 2011.

Modric, also part of Madrid’s Champions League winning team, finished runner-up with Croatia at the World Cup, winning the best player award at the tournament in Russia.

Salah scored 44 goals for Liverpool last season, helping the English club reach the Champions League final where they lost to Real Madrid.

VfL Wolfsburg striker Pernille Harder and Olympique Lyonnais forward Ada Hegerberg and defensive midfielder Amandine Henry were short-listed for the women’s award.

The awards will be presented at this season’s Champions League group-stage draw in Monaco on Aug. 30.


Written by Mausam
This news first appeared on under the title “Ronaldo, Modric, Salah on UEFA player of the year shortlist”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.