Rugby World Cup draw whets appetite for France serving up a classic in 2023

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Even three years out, France 2023 promises much with the hosts among the contenders looking to topple the Springboks

If the 2023 Rugby World Cup proves as multidimensional as the gloriously unpredictable pool draw anything could happen in France in three years’ time. From Christian Louboutin revealing he is looking to design rugby boots with his trademark red soles and a top ballerina discussing oval-ball choreography, there really was something for tout le monde to enjoy.

The best moment, though, came when the three-star Michelin chef Guy Savoy was invited to draw the top-seeded team in the hosts’ pool and picked out the ball with New Zealand’s name on it. If the organisers want to launch their tournament with some serious panache, an opening night clash between Les Bleus and the All Blacks would be a decent place to start.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on under the title “Rugby World Cup draw whets appetite for France serving up a classic in 2023”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.