Serge Gnabry scores four in brutal Bayern’s 7-2 humiliation of Tottenham

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There were 55 minutes on the stadium clock and a look of pure bewilderment on the faces of Tottenham’s defenders. They had just been shredded for the second time in three minutes by Serge Gnabry, Bayern Munich’s former Arsenal winger and, despite having carried the fight to the Bundesliga champions, they were staring at an irretrievable 4-1 deficit.

Related: Irresistible Gnabry shreds Spurs after Lewandowski’s decisive incision | Barney Ronay

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Written by David Hytner at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
This news first appeared on under the title “Serge Gnabry scores four in brutal Bayern’s 7-2 humiliation of Tottenham”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.