Steve Smith is set to return – maybe this break has done him some good | Andy Bull

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The former Australia captain has admitted before he does not have many interests outside cricket, so an enforced spell away from the game might just have given him a bit of perspective

It’s been three months since the scandal. Right now, Steve Smith is getting ready for his comeback match. He has signed on for the Global T20 Canada and is set to play for the Toronto Nationals against the Vancouver Knights at the Maple Leaf ground in King City on Thursday.

At a rough count, this is the fifth attempt to launch a North American T20 league in the past 12 years or so. A lot of men have lost a lot of money trying to sell live cricket to the Indian diaspora. The media company behind the Global T20 has spent more than most of them. It has hired David Warner too. He’s playing for the Winnipeg Hawks.

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Written by Andy Bull
This news first appeared on under the title “Steve Smith is set to return – maybe this break has done him some good | Andy Bull”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.