Super League clubs reject Toronto Wolfpack’s bid to rejoin in 2021

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  • Board rejects Toronto readmission bid by eight votes to four
  • New owners’ failure to provide proof of funding key to rejection

Toronto Wolfpack have failed in their bid to be readmitted to Super League in 2021, after clubs overwhelmingly rejected their proposal to return to the top-flight next season. After withdrawing from their debut season in Super League midway through this year due to financial difficulties, the Wolfpack laid out their case to be reinstated next year to clubs at a meeting on Monday.

However, eight of the 13 votes, which consisted of the 11 remaining top-flight clubs, the Rugby Football League and Super League, went against Toronto’s proposal. Leeds Rhinos, Catalans Dragons and St Helens were the clubs who voted in favour of the Wolfpack rejoining Super League, while the RFL also used their vote to lend their support. The remaining votes, including Super League themselves, were against, with the exception of Warrington Wolves, who abstained from voting.

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Written by Aaron Bower
This news first appeared on under the title “Super League clubs reject Toronto Wolfpack’s bid to rejoin in 2021”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.