Swagger, soul … and patience: inside Ratcliffe’s plans for Manchester United | Sean Ingle

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Billionaire says he wants to bring glamour back to the club but warns fans success will not happen overnight

On the second floor of the Ineos office in west London, there are lingering reminders of Manchester United’s glory days. You see it in Eric Cantona’s No 7 shirt, collar upturned, hanging in the main meeting room. In the pristine match programmes from those famous European trophy nights. And, most of all, in the eyes of Jim Ratcliffe, as he promises to restore a swagger and soul to the club he has supported for 65 years.

“The Manchester United style of play is attacking football, exciting football, bringing the youth through,” he says, speaking publicly for the first time since acquiring a 27% stake in the club. “You want players that are committed. You want players that play 90 minutes or whatever the number is. At the end of the day we are in the entertainment business. You don’t want to watch bland or characterless football.”

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/feb/21/swagger-soul-and-patience-inside-ratcliffes-plans-for-manchester-united under the title “Swagger, soul … and patience: inside Ratcliffe’s plans for Manchester United | Sean Ingle”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.