The unstoppable Simone Biles shows again her only competition is herself

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The record-smashing American has learned how to truly enjoy competing against herself, and now she too can marvel at her greatness as it unfolds

In possibly the final performance of her world championships career, Simone Biles stepped up to the floor on Sunday and prepared to open her routine with the skill that has become one of the most memorable sights in sport.Showcasing her triple twisting-double, the Biles II, she flew high into the sky, her legs tightly tucked as she twisted in the air. When she landed with her chest upright and just a small hop, her face burst into a wide smile that illuminated the rest of her gold-medal floor routine.

Biles’ 25th world championship gold medal extended her lead as the most decorated gymnast of all time. She finished with five gold medals in the all-around, team, vault, balance beam and floor competitions. It was the most successful world championships of her career. She continues to compete only against herself in a league of her own, and the quality of that one woman league is only increasing. Her 2.1 points buffer in the all-around final was the largest victory margin of her career, and she won her gold medal on the floor exercise by a point – meaning she could have fallen and still won.

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Written by Tumaini Carayol
This news first appeared on under the title “The unstoppable Simone Biles shows again her only competition is herself”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.