‘This could be the end for a few clubs’: sports fans on coronavirus

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Supporters, amateur athletes, coaches and officials from all over the world explain how the pandemic has affected them

I’m a member of a League of Ireland football club. We are one of the better known clubs in the country and have a fair few season tickets. That is not the case for other clubs. Some are trying to stay afloat, especially in the country’s second tier. Matchdays are obviously big earners, whether that be tickets, food or drink. Some clubs can only budget day-to-day, with these influxes every fortnight keeping their heads above water. What happens when clubs have to go without this for a month – or even a whole season? How can they afford to play players without taking money in the gate?

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Written by Guardian readers and Paul Campbell
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/mar/18/coronavirus-fans-supporters-amateur-athletes-coaches-pandemic-world under the title “

‘This could be the end for a few clubs’: sports fans on coronavirus

“. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.