Tottenham 1-1 Newcastle: Premier League – live!

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A surprisingly restrained Mourinho speaks. Asked what he makes of the current handball law, he replies: “I don’t think … I think about my team’s performance, very good; a really good team performance. First half, amazing. It should be 3-0, 4-0 easy but [Karl] Darlow was fantastic. We hit the post and they managed to survive. I’m not going to comment on it [the handball]. I don’t want to speak about it. If I want to give some money away I will give it to charities, I don’t want to give it to the FA so I prefere not to comment. At half-time Bruce was super happy with the result at 1-0. He knows football. He knew that at half-time it could be three of four-nil and they got their point.”

Who’s looking forward to hearing from José, then?

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Written by Ben Fisher
This news first appeared on under the title “Tottenham 1-1 Newcastle: Premier League – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.