Tour de France: Adam Yates takes yellow jersey after Alaphilippe penalty

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  • Frenchman docked 20sec for taking a drink in last 20km
  • Yates now 3sec clear; Wout van Aert wins stage five

Adam Yates took over the leader’s yellow jersey in the Tour de France after Julian Alaphilippe of France was penalised 20 seconds for taking an illegal feed in the final 20km of the fifth stage from Gap to Privas.

The French rider was shown on TV images taking a drinks bottle from a Deceuninck – Quick-Step team helper 17km from the finish, which is against UCI rules and subject to a time penalty. Yates, who had been in second place overall for Team Mitchelton-Scott, four seconds behind Alaphilippe, now leads overall by three seconds from Primoz Roglic.

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Written by Jeremy Whittle
This news first appeared on under the title “Tour de France: Adam Yates takes yellow jersey after Alaphilippe penalty”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.