Tour de France: Alaphilippe back in yellow after thrilling stage two finish

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  • French rider pips Marc Hirschi and Britain’s Adam Yates
  • Other home favourite, Thibaut Pinot, struggles with injury

Julian Alaphilippe dispelled any lingering gloom hanging over the Grand Depart of the 2020 Tour de France by speeding to victory and the race leader’s yellow jersey in the 186 kilometre second stage to the Promenade des Anglais, in Nice.

The hugely popular French rider, who led the Tour for 14 days in 2019, slumped on the ground in tears and dedicated victory to his father, who died in June, after narrowly outsprinting Marc Hirschi of Switzerland and Britain’s resurgent Adam Yates.

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Written by Jeremy Whittle
This news first appeared on under the title “Tour de France: Alaphilippe back in yellow after thrilling stage two finish”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.