Wembley decision unrelated to allegations against Fulham, says Khan

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• Craig Kline’s allegations being reviewed by the FA
• Former Fulham employee lodges employment tribunal claim

The Fulham and Jacksonville Jaguars owner, Shahid Khan, has said that the withdrawal of his £600m offer to buy Wembley stadium had nothing to do with the allegations being made against Fulham by Craig Kline, the club’s former assistant director of football. Kline went public when he left the club last year with allegations, including racism, made in tweets which he deleted, and he timed his renewed intervention this year to coincide with key Football Association votes on whether to sell Wembley to Khan.

Kline, a US university friend of Shahid Khan’s son Tony, has now made a series of allegations against Fulham and named individuals at the club in an employment tribunal claim that he lodged on Wednesday. He claims wrongful dismissal in the circumstances of his departure from the club, victimisation and that a financial settlement he agreed with a duty of confidentiality is not enforceable against him. Kline left Fulham after a troubled few years at the club in which he repeatedly found himself in conflict with colleagues, then made a series of complaints internally and was periodically suspended.

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Written by David Conn
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/oct/18/wembley-fulham-allegations-shahid-khan-craig-kline-fa-employment-tribunal under the title “Wembley decision unrelated to allegations against Fulham, says Khan”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.