West Ham under pressure after coach attends Democratic Football Lads Alliance march

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• Under-18s coach Mark Phillips facing awkward questions
• Kick It Out monitoring situation

West Ham are under pressure to take action after one of their youth coaches said he went on a march organised by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance, a group condemned by anti-racism campaigners.

Mark Phillips, who coaches West Ham’s Under-18s, is facing some awkward questions after his support for the DFLA was brought to the attention of Kick It Out, football’s anti-discrimination charity. Phillips posted on Twitter about attending the DFLA’s march through central London last Saturday and defended the right-wing organisation in subsequent tweets.

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Written by Exclusive by Jacob Steinberg
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/oct/16/west-ham-coach-democratic-football-lads-alliance-march-mark-phillips under the title “West Ham under pressure after coach attends Democratic Football Lads Alliance march”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.