Zak Brown hopeful McLaren are on road to recovery after lean years | Giles Richards

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Chief executive says a lack of stability is to blame for the team’s steep decline and lengthy spell in the wilderness

As Formula One heads into its final grand prix in the sunshine of Abu Dhabi, a cold, rain-sodden, windy night envelops the McLaren Technology Centre. It heralds the beginning of a winter during which the team face one of their toughest challenges. After a season of shattered hopes and disappointment left McLaren reeling, they have held their hands up to their failings in the hope of emerging next year on the road to recovery. A journey no one doubts will be long and hard.

McLaren have already put in some miles. This year’s Belgian Grand Prix marked the 50th anniversary of the team’s first win, by founder Bruce McLaren at Spa in 1968. It was a celebratory milestone in a season offering precious little pleasure.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Zak Brown hopeful McLaren are on road to recovery after lean years | Giles Richards”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.