Aleksandar Kolarov’s stunning free kick steers Serbia to win over Costa Rica

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When Aleksandar Kolarov put the ball down 11 minutes into the second half of a game that never quite caught light, the adage that for some players a free-kick can be as good as a penalty flickered into the mind.

It can seem a fairly lazy thought but in Kolarov’s case it may as well be true: the 32-year-old remains one of the best dead-ball takers around and it was his marvellous goal, swung in from 25 yards, that secured Serbia a victory they ultimately deserved.

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Written by Nick Ames at the Samara Arena
This news first appeared on under the title “Aleksandar Kolarov’s stunning free kick steers Serbia to win over Costa Rica”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.