Alex Ferguson up close: sometimes difficult, always great | Daniel Taylor

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Sir Alex rewarded those covering his thrilling Manchester United teams with the best of times

What do you write in these moments? It isn’t easy and even now, Fergie being Fergie, there is still that slightly unnerving feeling that one day he might go over everything that is written and take issue with any article that reads too much like an obituary for his liking. Somehow, the image of him holding up one of the offending newspapers, rolling pin-style, and threatening to swipe a journalist over the head – trust me, I’ve seen it happen – feels so much more natural than the idea of one of the greats of his profession lying, stricken, in an intensive-care unit.

Related: Sir Alex Ferguson in serious condition after surgery for brain haemorrhage

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Written by Daniel Taylor
This news first appeared on under the title “Alex Ferguson up close: sometimes difficult, always great | Daniel Taylor”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.