Alfie Barbeary: ‘I’ve been honest that I’m not the biggest fan of the gym’

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The Bath No 8 on why he is not an identikit sportsman and his aspirations to make the international grade with England

By his own admission Alfie Barbeary is “different”. He is certainly refreshingly honest. Ask him to describe his perfect day and, having already revealed his dislike of the gym, he does not hesitate. “I’d probably be at home watching the rugby, have a couple of pints with my dad and then finish it off with a curry.” Lob in a game of darts – “My dad isn’t any good so I’d have to get my brother back and play him” – and he would be in absolute heaven.

A mischievous grin, a pair of sparkling studs in his ears – “Mum wasn’t too happy” – and an obvious lust for life are further clues that this might not be an identikit professional sportsman with his nutritionist on speed dial. Stick the fun-loving Bath No 8 on a rugby pitch, however, and – boom – there are few more compelling forces of oval-ball nature in the English club game.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on under the title “Alfie Barbeary: ‘I’ve been honest that I’m not the biggest fan of the gym’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.