Australia v Pakistan: Cricket World Cup 2019 – live!

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  • Updates from the game at the County Ground, Taunton
  • Any thoughts? Email or tweet @JPHowcroft

Ordinarily around this point I’d direct you to any action you may have missed yesterday, but instead I’ll signpost you towards people whingeing about rain and the lack of contingencies to deal with washouts.

Star of the show is Bangladesh coach Steve Rhodes who pulls out the “we put a man on the moon” card in support of reserve days.

We really targeted this sort of game to get two points, and I know that Sri Lanka would have fought very hard and been no pushovers at all. But we do see it as one point lost and that’s disappointing. But realistically, what can we do about it? Absolutely nothing. It’s out of our control, the way the weather is.

If you know the English weather, sadly, we’re going to get a lot of rain. We never know when the rain’s going to come. At the moment, we’re seeing some problems.

Related: Bangladesh call for reserve days after another World Cup washout

Rob Sim has joined in the Robin Smith group hug. “Used to park my deckchair square of the wicket on the boundary hoardings at Southampton just for “that” square cut, with no regard for my health and safety at all!!” You must have got RSI from hurling the ball back to the fielding sides.

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Written by Jonathan Howcroft (now) & Rob Smyth (later)
This news first appeared on under the title “Australia v Pakistan: Cricket World Cup 2019 – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.