Big Sport struggles to pivot to its new position of immense irrelevance | Marina Hyde

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If your way of dealing with existential stress is to say: ‘Look, it’s going to boost Foden’s England chances,’ then, you know, get real

Say what you will about our monumentally mind-warping new reality but it certainly offers the opportunity to type sentences that might have appeared to be facetious attempts at satire a mere fortnight ago. Sentences like, “Manchester United are working from home.” Or, “West Ham’s Karren Brady has suggested there is an antidote to the deadly coronavirus pandemic.”

If the latter reference puzzles you, let’s see it in action in Karren’s critically misunderstood Sun column from last weekend (in which she decided, among other things, that the Premier League season should be declared null and void and Liverpool denied the title despite being 25 points clear at the top).

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Written by Marina Hyde
This news first appeared on under the title “Big Sport struggles to pivot to its new position of immense irrelevance | Marina Hyde”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.