Blaming Bazball for England’s losses ignores excellence of India | Ali Martin

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Ultra-positive approach has transformed side but machismo and bloody-mindedness can sometimes become self-defeating

In the binary world of the 21st century, nothing in cricket quite matches the catnip qualities of so-called Bazball. England win? Vive la révolution. England lose? See, this is a flawed concept, a naked emperor moonwalking down the street all pleased with itself.

All of which does a disservice to opponents, who in the case of India and the record 434-run shellacking they dished out in Rajkot could be forgiven for wondering why they are the canvas on which various broad brush strokes about England are painted. Test matches require two teams and Rohit Sharma’s side are a mighty fine one.

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Written by Ali Martin in Rajkot
This news first appeared on under the title “Blaming Bazball for England’s losses ignores excellence of India | Ali Martin”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.