Caudery and Kerr set sights on Olympic gold after indoor triumph | Sean Ingle

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Pole vaulter justifies her rising status with gold in Glasgow as Josh Kerr sends warning to rival Jakob Ingebrigtsen

Molly Caudery is an adrenaline junkie who loves surfing and jumping off cliffs near her home in Cornwall. But now she is chasing an even more spectacular thrill: winning an Olympic gold medal this summer. And the hugely likable and modest 23‑year‑old is starting to believe she can achieve it.

After twisting, flipping and soaring over a 4.8m bar to take the world indoor pole vault title on Saturday, she was asked whether she was the favourite for Paris. She paused, allowed what had once seemed like magical realism to sink in, and nodded.

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Written by Sean Ingle at the Commonwealth Arena
This news first appeared on under the title “Caudery and Kerr set sights on Olympic gold after indoor triumph | Sean Ingle”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.