Chelsea racism scandal deepens as former players go public with claims

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• Two white players from 1980s youth setup back racism allegations
• Chelsea say they are taking claims seriously and offering support
• Gwyn Williams and Graham Rix deny wrongdoing

Chelsea are facing more allegations about a racism scandal involving Gwyn Williams and Graham Rix after the former youth-team footballers who claim they were subjected to horrific abuse received public backing from two of the white players who were on the club’s books.

Grant Lunn and Gary Baker, who both played in Chelsea’s youth setup in the early 1980s, said they had decided to come forward to speak about Williams after reading the statement the club’s former youth-team coach released to the Guardian in March to “deny all and any allegations of racial or other abuse”.

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Written by Exclusive by Daniel Taylor
This news first appeared on under the title “Chelsea racism scandal deepens as former players go public with claims”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.