CJ Ujah: ‘I had this stain against my name. It hurt so much and still does’ | Sean Ingle

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Sprinter cleared of deliberately taking performance-enhancing drugs says he always believed the truth would come out

“Obviously, I made a mistake,” CJ Ujah says quietly, as he breaks his 14-month silence on the failed drug test that led to Team GB’s biggest Olympic doping scandal. “But people make mistakes. I am not a cheat.”

As all that pent-up frustration and pain begins to uncoil, revelation follows revelation. How it was a basic amino acid supplement – bought off Amazon for £10 during lockdown – that caused his positive test in Tokyo. How he thought the email telling him the news was a hoax. And, just as remarkably, that he was not tested in the buildup to last year’s Games, despite being among the world’s leading sprinters.

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Written by Exclusive by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/oct/10/cj-ujah-i-had-this-stain-team-gb-sprinter-drug-ban under the title “CJ Ujah: ‘I had this stain against my name. It hurt so much and still does’ | Sean Ingle”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.