Corruption, murder and how Ghana’s football has ground to a halt

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It is eight months since Ghana’s last domestic game after a bribery scandal exposé that may have led to a journalist’s assassination

At 4:49pm, the final whistle of an outstanding top flight match between AshantiGold and Aduana Stars was blown in the mining town of Obuasi. Unknown to everyone in Ghana, this game, on 6 June 2018, would be the last competitive match to be played for a long time.

At that same moment, 235km away in Ghana’s capital, Accra, thousands were rushing to the International Conference Centre to witness the premiere of an incredibly hyped piece of journalism.

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Written by Gary Al-Smith in Accra
This news first appeared on under the title “Corruption, murder and how Ghana’s football has ground to a halt”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.