County cricket: Surrey v Somerset, Essex v Notts and more – live!

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Under-dog news: no wickets yet fallen at Chelmsford or Tunbridge Wells and still only one down at Arundel.

Sorry, I’ve had wifi problems but just before lunch a reminder that Surrey play Yorkshire next week and you can watch the game unfold on the Surrey and Yorkshire websites and Sky digital. Four cameras, “bespoke” commentary – almost, almost, as good as free-to-air.

Virdi to bowl from the pavilion end, first time today.

Very happy to be working with @YorkshireCCC to deliver multi-camera live coverage from next week’s game in Scarborough.

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Written by Tanya Aldred at Guildford
This news first appeared on under the title “County cricket: Surrey v Somerset, Essex v Notts and more – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.