County cricket talking points: One-Day Cup spoils the plot for the season

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Why disrupt the season just as the County Championship had started to take shape and build some momentum?

By Gary Naylor for the 99.94 Cricket Blog

I review theatre elsewhere and, inevitably, the worlds of cricket and stage occasionally overlap. To succeed, both need to engage their audiences with performers displaying technical excellence in welcoming venues, provide exciting peaks of dramatic tension or bake slow-burn thrillers to perfection, and tell us something about the world we live in – and ourselves. So far, so good for cricket and theatre, but which playwright would spend five acts constructing a complex, multifaceted narrative, only to abandon it in favour of another starting from scratch (and, soon, yet another)? It’s not just no other sport that does such a thing with the warp and weft of its unfolding plot, it’s no other business with a public to please.

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Written by Gary Naylor
This news first appeared on under the title “County cricket talking points: One-Day Cup spoils the plot for the season”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.