Craig Parry recalls Van de Velde fiasco and missing his own Open goal in 1999

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Australian’s dashed title hopes at Carnoustie 19 years ago still overshadowed by Jean Van de Velde’s calamity at the Barry Burn where he let slip the Claret Jug

Who partnered Jean van de Velde in the final round of the 1999 Open Championship? Only golf geeks will know so dominated is that tournament’s narrative by the Frenchman’s calamitous finish and Paul Lawrie’s subsequent victory.

It transpires Van de Velde is not the only one with bitter memories of that Sunday afternoon at Carnoustie, 19 years ago. The answer to the question is Craig Parry, whose third round of 67 meant he earned a spot alongside Van de Velde in the 2.40pm tee time.

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Written by Ewan Murray at Carnoustie
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