Dani Rowe: the UK is leading the way in terms of women’s cycling

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As she prepares for Wednesday’s start of the Women’s Tour, the WaowDeals racer who now cycles for Wales looks forward to a finale on home soil in Colwyn Bay on Sunday

These are heady times for Welsh cycling. Last week, it was about the men, with Geraint Thomas giving the principality its best ever professional men’s result, winning the Critérium du Dauphiné. This weekend, women professional cyclists take centre stage, with the Ovo Women’s Tour finishing in Colwyn Bay on Sunday after a hilly run through Snowdonia, and a possible Welsh favourite in the field in Dani Rowe.

Rowe, who hails from Hampshire but took Welsh nationality last year, finished a close second at the Women’s Tour de Yorkshire in late April, reflecting the progress since she made the switch from the track, where as Dani King she won gold at the London Olympics in 2012 and three world championships, all in the team pursuit.

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Written by William Fotheringham
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/12/dani-rowe-uk-leading-way-womens-cycling-ovo-tour under the title “Dani Rowe: the UK is leading the way in terms of women’s cycling”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.