Danny Cipriani in England frame for South Africa with Jones set to roll dice

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• Jones considers 20 players ‘unavailable’ through injury or fatigue
• Cipriani and Hurricanes’ Brad Shields may be called up

Eddie Jones will on Thursday roll the dice and name an England squad missing 20 frontline players – including a number of British & Irish Test Lions – for the summer tour of South Africa.

Dylan Hartley, Jonathan Joseph and Anthony Watson are among those already ruled out through injury – but including those Jones believes are in need of a rest it is understood he considers 20 players “unavailable”, such is the toll of a gruelling post-Lions season.

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Written by Gerard Meagher
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/may/09/eddie-jones-england-tour-squad-south-africa under the title “Danny Cipriani in England frame for South Africa with Jones set to roll dice”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.