Dustin Johnson leads US Open but Rose, Poulter and Fleetwood stay in touch

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• American world No1 holds five-shot lead over Englishmen
• Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy fail to make the cut

In what is not typically a tribal environment the United States Golf Association may well place full support behind Dustin Johnson. As debate once again rages regarding the attritional nature of the US Open, the tournament’s organisers could be afforded the perfect response.

Johnson entered this major as the top-ranked player in the world and fresh from success in last weekend’s St Jude Classic. Should a golfer of this standing win what would be a second US Open, there can be little external complaint. Though there is still half of the tournament to be played, Johnson’s touch suggests he is in the mood for a procession – that is, another one. Last Sunday he won by six shots.

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Written by Ewan Murray at Shinnecock Hills
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/15/dustin-johnson-us-open-justin-rose-in-touch under the title “Dustin Johnson leads US Open but Rose, Poulter and Fleetwood stay in touch”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.